Seaford Natural History Society Seaford Natural History Society

Indoor Programme 2024/25

Indoor meetings occur every other Tuesday throughout the Winter months.

Non members are welcome (except where stated 'members only') but will be asked for a contribution of £3.00.

St Luke’s Church Hall - Tuesday 4th February 2025 - 2.15pm
Mullet and Sea Trout.

Steve Homewood

Steve is a local naturalist who appeared on BBC Springwatch in 2016 with his short film about a 'Mullet Murmuration' in the Ouse at Lewes.

He will be telling us more about this phenomenon, and also about the spawning behaviour of the Ouse Sea Trout.

We look forward to seeing you there.

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Our recent outings

You can see a species list for Last Wood and Meadow, from 28th September   here

Here is a plant list from Barcombe Mills, 24th September  here

Here is a Fungi Species List from Chailey Common on 10th September here

A species list from our outing to Benfield Hill LNR on 27th August can be seen here

Here is a photographic gallery taken at Benfield Hill LNR   Images

An insect list from Deep Dean on 30th July here

And a plant list from Litlington and Deep Dean here

Here is a photographic gallery for Deep Dean   Images

A plant species list from our outing to Newtimber Hill on 16th July can be seen here

And an animal list here

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The Wonderful Wildlife of Seaford

Extra Weekend Activities

The Society is planning a series of additional walks and activities this year, to be held at Weekends, in the hope that people unable to attend the usual Tuesday events, perhaps due to a daytime job, may find these events more accessible.


Further details of these events may be viewed here


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Winter Indoor Programme 2024-25

The programme for the 2024-25 Winter Indoor season may be viewed here: