Most images and sound recordings by Mike Kerry except:
Cuckoo image: by adb0806 of iNaturalist CC-BY-ND
Collared Dove image: by Heather Paul of iNaturalist CC-BY-ND
Buzzard audio by Benboncan of CC-BY-3.0
Red Kite audio by Kees Vanger, YouTube
Small Blue Butterfly image by Speedy of iNaturalist CC-BY-NC
Swift audio by Dobroide of CC-BY-NC
Black Headed Gull audio by ERH of Freesound CC-BY-NC
Curlew audio by Benboncan of Freesound CC-BY-NC
Andrena florea image by Paul Kitchener
Other images and sounds from public YouTube videos
The rising and falling beep sounds, were derived from the beep of a Tree Frog recorded in France many years ago
Quizzes programmed by Mike Kerry March-May 2020